Read Chapter Three of Inner Christianity, Salvation and Gnosis. Copy and paste the questions below to a new e-mail, insert your answers and send to the Mystery School with the following subject line: InnerChris 3 from ___________ (Your name).
1. What is the inner meaning of the commandment against idolatry?
2. Describe the esoteric meaning of the cross.
3. What does a third line in the cross
4. What body part is associated with these things?
5. Esoterically, __________ refers to the idea that as _____________ progresses, it passes through a ___________ _________ number of different __________, or different ___________ of __________.
6. What are the three possible states the consciousness might end up in each time it survives body-death?
7. T/F Much of our conditioning is not likely to survive death.
8. What is the weighing of the soul?
9. T/F We are free to choose heaven or hell.
10. What are the three motives for Christianity's reticence about reincarnation?
11. In essence, ___________ consists of asking _______ for help so that you will not be __________ ________ to ________ _________ at the hour of death.
12. In what scripture verses are the two great commandments found?
13. Loving the Lord thy God has to do not with __________ but with __________ ourselves to his _______________.
14. T/F Salvation is a beginning of the reversal of the Fall.
15. For whom are ethical injunctions made?
16. What metaphors are used in Christianity to express the idea of karma?
17. T/F Gnosis is available to all for the asking.
18. Attaining _________ or __________ in the ultimate sense means ___________ one's _________ consciousness with the __________.
19. ______________ and _________________ are always essential, and _____________ always dangerous.
Inner Christianity Lesson Index
Questions by Deborah Presvytera